Examples of how「Autobiography – JIDEN」could be used
Exactly! The other day, I have enjoyed chatting with my friend for a while, so let's keep this memory in "My Page".
It will soon be O-bon season (Japanese traditional Summer break). It’s the time of year to visit your ancestor’s grave to pay your respects. However, if you live far away, it could be difficult to visit in person.
Give a unique gift that will last for years to come: You’ve been taking your parents on trips, treated them to a nice meal, bought them an anniversary gift and so on, but it feels ordinary. You want to give them something unique….
It is devastating to experience the loss of a beloved family pet. You may feel sad everyday and you may not be able to bring yourself to do anything.
Our pet dog, Chiro joined our family when my sister was 10 years old. My sister, my parents, my grandparents and I all welcomed Chiro as a member of our family.
My curious son once asked me about our family roots, “I want to know our family history, mom!” “Speaking of which, I never thought about it before…”, I wondered. I thought this could be a great opportunity to learn about our family history and document it for our future generations.